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What elements make a good Intranet?

Writer's picture: tdltdl

Organisations are typically made up of the same ingredients no matter the size.

Core Group, Divisions, Functions or Departments, Brands or Products and

Teams and perhaps Regions.

When you apply this to Intranet architecture the key is to create a vertical and

horizontal flow of knowledge, information and communications and potentially

a third dimension through the depth of the globe.

How can we create a flow of information starting from a sub team in the far

reaches of India connecting through the to the headquarters of the company in

the UK? Intranets do just this.

1. Homepage - Make it look good

Your Intranet Homepage is the start of an employees digital journey through

your organisation. We apply your companie's branding and imagery to create a

visually pleasing and functional experience by ensuring intuitive design to

navigate employees through to what they are looking for quickly and easily. We

structure your homepage with key pillars to give employees the best possible


Microsoft provides the benefits of a mobile accessible Intranet as well as

surfacing the Intranet through the MS Teams user Interface.

We have a range of Homepage templates to show you the art of the possible to

then tailor based on your content and requirements.

2. Transform Communications

Is your organisation relying on email to communicate? make announcements,

provide updates and information on what's happening around the business and

struggling to engage with two way communication channels on content?

Welcome Intranet News Centre

Our approach to Communications is to create a multi dimensional flow of

Communications through your organisation utilising the power of Microsoft 365.

Have top level group news reach the individual teams, functions and brands within

your company, have lower level community and team updates reach all the way

through departments, have functional updates span across your growing brands.

Create news relevance and have it reach the people intended.

3. Digitise HR

Putting employees at the heart of Intranets. We get your HR Department online and create an environment of connection, self serve and support to employees. From how employees onboard to how employees check out benefits or career opportunities as well as how Viva Insights can revolutionise wellbeing within your organisation. See how we get HR operating with Microsoft 365 and support great working cultures and employee growth.

4. Create workspaces to flourish

Connecting and collaborating across your organisation

We create department, brand & team operational workspaces and utilise internal

content to create knowledge management solutions. We give all your functions like

Marketing, Sales, Operations, HR, Finance the workspace they need to elevate their

operations across the business and increase productivity.

5. Employee Directory

When we analyse the use cases of employee directories and sub requirements

such as org charts we come to understand that what people want to do is find

people, know who they are and get in contact with them quickly and easily

through a method that suits the scenario.

We also understand that maintaining directories needs to be a fluid experience

without the burden to rely on one person to keep a file or org image up to date.

Our solution uses the power of Microsoft Active Directory. This brings benefits of

the data being pulled from a central managed directory and peoples profiles

being accessible throughout all Microsoft applications to get in contact via IM ,

email or phone including the ability to view LinkedIn profiles automatically


6. Document Management

Organisations are underpinned by key documentation. We will ensure that

people can navigate to the documentation from the homepage and utilise

Microsoft features to ensure people can find what they need quickly within

organised document library structures that are version controlled and secure.

We can tailor automation and implement processes around your documents to

maximise productivity and efficiency.

7. Calendars & Events

Employees love to know what's going on across the business and have the

option and flexibility to join and be part of various events from bitesize training

clinics to the Christmas party. We use Microsoft Events to visualise what's on in

your organisation, you can add all the important dates to let people know what

they can attend whether it's training, webinars, a social event or other.

Employees have the option to add this event to their own Outlook calendar.

8. I.T Support Desk

We create a digital workspace for your IT department and fill this with links and content

to promote self serve for IT queries with a goal of case deflection. On here you will see

FAQ's and various resources and links to log IT requests and help increase the efficiency

of IT related needs for employees. We can also propose to build an IT request form with

automation enabled to log requests and notify key people and track issues.

9. Feedback, Survey's and Polls

Use MS Forms to create surveys and polls as required and surface them in key locations

across the Intranet and also directly in teams or viva engage as polls.

View the results and analytics on responses.

10. Social Collaboration Tools

We utilise MS viva Engage as the social collaboration platform to promote community

conversation and collaboration. We create a company or topic based message boards on

the Intranet to bring a social feel to engagement which also acts as a key platform for

communications. We champion the use of MS Praise as the tool to promote shout outs

and gain recognition across the teams.

11. My Toolkit

Does this problem sound familiar?

Does your organisation have common tools or apps that people use all the time? Do you

rely on emailing the url links to these to people , which they quickly lose the email to get

back to the tool or they have to favourite it in their web browser?... this is sounding all

very 1995... create Intranet toolkits for your company and let people get access in one

click to what's important

12. Learning HUB

Get started quickly and simply with your learning and development needs. We create a

Learning Hub on the Intranet which you can populate with your training material and

craft your knowledge base with good structure. Following this you can then take

advances into Viva Learning technology and tap into more advanced L&D features

Want to take things a step further? Microsoft Viva Learning is an internal L&D platform that we can configure within your organisation and include access to Leadership development courses and resources to enable employees to learn in the flow of work across various interests. We can also take advantage of your own internal resources and get the most out of great learning content.

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